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Re: A Ladier Chabadnitze

At 05:12 AM 3/3/03, Cor van Sliedregt wrote:
>In the collection of A.Z. Idelsohn I found a melody named "A Ladier 
>Chabadnitze" Who can explain, translate this title ?

Chabad is the nickname of the Lubavitcher Chasidic movement.  A 
"Chabadnitze" was a term (hardly heard anymore) for a Lubavitcher nigun.
Lyady (also Lyadi, Liadi) was the Belarus village of the first Lubavitcher 
Rebbe, Shneur Zalman of Lyady (1745-1813).  The melody you are refering to 
(#154 in Volume X of Idelsohn's Thesaurus) is one of the 10 core Chabad 
melodies attributed to Shneur Zalman. (Another one is the famous tune known 
as "Der Rebbe's Nigun".)  Therefore, the translation of "A Ladier 
Chabadnitze" would be "A Chabad Melody of the Lyader Rebbe".  This nigun, 
by the way, is also sung to the words
Ovinu malkeinu, ovinu oto;
Ovinu malkeinu, eyn lonu melech elo oto.
(Our Father, our King, You are our Father;
We have no king but You.)

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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