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Re: Warhorse Classical Guitar piece originally Sephardic??

Dear Joel,

In a message dated 3/1/03 8:01:58 PM, joel(dot)br (at) verizon(dot)net writes:

>Shavua tov.
>Recently found this in the Google newsgroups:
>>I recently heard Sharon Isbin play her usually heart wrenching version
>>and she announced to the audience that RDLA was actually a Sephardic song
>>Spain arranged with accompaniment.
Interesting! I produced Sharon playing this piece (do you really think that 
"everyone" will recognize what you are talking about by the initials 
["Recuerdos de l'Alhambra", si?]--or was this note part of a longer string 
that I haven't been following) some time ago for a lovely Virgin Classics 
release. Where did you hear her play this?

She didn't say anything about it at the time, but we weren't discussing 
origins either.

Best wishes,

Steve Barnett
Barnett Music Productions
BarMusProd (at) aol(dot)com 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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