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Re: This list

NB, I had intended most of this to appear on the list a
couple of days ago, but inadvertantly, my reply went back to
Bart, and not to the list.  (Gotta watch those unorthodox
"reply-to" lines!)

Dear Bart (and any one else troubled by the same thoughts)

As a long term watcher/contributor on this list, I can tell
you that it's
not always like this.  I suggest that you keep watching the
list and you'll
notice that certain issues "push buttons" on people in
particular ways.
Often, in these hot issues where music intersects with
politics and
religion, people phrase things a little more impassioned,
provocatively and
with insufficient due sensitivity and thoughtfullness than
they would "more
purely" music related issues.

I also can't help thinking that as global political tensions
rise that
people are becoming more emphatic and positional... maybe
impositional, for
that matter (if there's such a word!).

I expect that music will have the power to soothe the savage
beasts and that
what we have in common (our interest in jewish music) will
bring us more
together than those things which divide us (religion and

Music does not live in a vacuum.  Politics and religion have
impacts on the exponents of music, and even on the very
music itself, so its
inevitible that the list will be impacted by those forces
from time to
time.  Unfortunately, the hot issues will not be resolved as
quickly as the
dialogue in them on this list abates.

As far as my two penneth's worth on some of the latest
conversations, Wagner, his music and his politics barely
seems to belong on this list, even whether jews/israelis
should play Wagner (and we've strayed from that
conversation).  That's not about jewish music.  I, for one,
would love to see the list stay "On topic"... JewISH
Music... in all its rich and diverse forms.

mendels (at) xs4all(dot)nl wrote:

> Hi, I thought I found a nice list. Music from  a jewish slant. 90% of
> what I read is about religion or politics or both. Kol Isha would
> seem to be a nice name for a jewish song festival with only women. To
> wagner or not to wagner is not the question, to question it etc. If
> this is what the majority wants its okay with me, it is not what I am
> on this list for.


Lionel Mrocki


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