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Wagner, among musicians, has come to symbolize the anti-semitism in Germany 
that later culminated in the Nazis, and the 
most notable musical figure to write out his anti-semitism so 
specifically.  But it's appropriate to remember those who thrived under 
Naziism under the heading of "If you aren't part of the solution, you're 
part of the problem."  As Alex Jacobowitz commented, "Great music.  Awful 
politics."  I assume "ymach shmo" intends to do something unkind to their 
names.  Does anyone know if Chopin (non-German) was anti-semitic?
But in the discussion of performing Wagner in Israel, I once heard the 
comment that if there's a place where ONLY Wagner is performed, the 
Festspielhaus in Bayreuth, then there could be a place where he's NEVER 
performed, Eretz Israel.
And I vigorously disagree with 

Fred Blumenthal
xd2fabl (at) us(dot)ibm(dot)com

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