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Re: Wagner

B"H Munich

--- Fred Blumenthal <xd2fabl (at) us(dot)ibm(dot)com> wrote:
> Wagner, among musicians, has come to symbolize the
> anti-semitism in Germany that later culminated in
> the Nazis,
Mit recht.

 and the 
> most notable musical figure to write out his
> anti-semitism so 
> specifically.

  But it's appropriate to remember
> those who thrived under 
> Naziism under the heading of "If you aren't part of
> the solution, you're 
> part of the problem."  
Or better, of the Final Solution.

As Alex Jacobowitz commented,
> "Great music.  Awful 
> politics."  I assume "ymach shmo" intends to do
> something unkind to their 
> names.
"May his name be erased"

  Does anyone know if Chopin (non-German) was
> anti-semitic?
he was. But certainly not the Wagnerian sense.

> But in the discussion of performing Wagner in
> Israel, I once heard the 
> comment that if there's a place where ONLY Wagner is
> performed, the 
> Festspielhaus in Bayreuth, then there could be a
> place where he's NEVER 
> performed, Eretz Israel.
Notice how wonderfully we respect the
decisions of Israeli democracy. This wasn´t
banned from STALIN, dammit, it was banned
by the majority of a democratic nation.

Perhaps Israel´s democracy is not being 
respected here because the voters are Jewish, and 
aren´t really valued seriously?

FYI, buying Mein Kampf is verboten in Germany.
Perhaps we should condemn the Germans as well for
their censorship?


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