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B"H Munich

> --- Alex Jacobowitz <alexbjacobowitz (at) yahoo(dot)com>
> wrote:

> >   Does anyone know if Chopin (non-German) was
> > > anti-semitic?
> > he was. But certainly not the Wagnerian sense.
> what is that supposed to mean? are there different
> KINDS of antisemitism soft-antisemitism? semite
> libertinism?

absolutely. There´s a condescending tone
(Mozart: about the Jews still waiting for
their Messiah), sociological anti-Semitism
(Sartre: Jew and Anti-Semite), religious
anti-Semitism of every stripe.

Chopin: "the Jew Schlesinger" is a typical term
of disgust. Didn´t bother Chopin that
Mickiewicz was Jewish on his mother´s side -
as long as Chopin didn´t know, that is.
Mickiewicz didn´t let anyone know for very sound

The kind of institutional anti-Semitism that
forced Heine and Mahler to convert is different
from the annihilationist anti-Semitism espoused
by Wagner and the Nazi party.

> > FYI, buying Mein Kampf is verboten in Germany.
> > Perhaps we should condemn the Germans as well for
> > their censorship?
> > 
 is it illegal or just a bad thing to do?


Alex Jacobowitz

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