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Re: Nazis and music

--- R Locker <rlocker (at) att(dot)net> wrote:

> his human errors.
>     One shouldn't forget who is or is not
> anti-semetic, and it's perfectly
> legitimate to decide whether or not to listen based
> on that knowledge, but
> history makes the ultimate decisions about the
> quality of the work.
> Best regards to all,
>                    Richard Locker

i think thats true only up until a certain point. i
have the feeling that if a work was virulently
antisemitic, such as a neonazi punk band (which is a
bad example because theyre usually quite untalented),
or a work of visual art that used swastikas and
antisemitic phrases in a glorifying manner, then no
matter how wondrous or beautiful they would be i think
youd have a hard time accepting it into the pantheon
of great works. 


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