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RE: striking a balance

I have been dismayed over the years at how readily we Jews will allow
ourselves to treat each other with contempt and disrespect. I am very
disappointed to see this happen on this list. I have not been around long
enough to have witnessed this Kol Isha thread before, however I am
distressed at the tone and vitriol that I has come to the surface. The
discussion is valid, particularly in the context of the Workmen's Circle
behaving in such a boorish manner. However it is never valid to take licence
to attack someone personally, and with contempt, because they disagree with
your view, be it political or religious. By all means debate, but do so with
facts and with respect for the position, and the reason for the position, of
the opposing view. Lastly, I think it is important to note the distinction
that lies in compromise of a political view as opposed to a religious view.
Politically based positions are fluid, and by nature lend themselves to
compromise. Religious views (particularly in the frum world) are very deeply
rooted, and relate to an individuals spiritual position in this world and
the next, in an eternal context. That does not excuse or mitigate poor
behaviour or imply accptance of the position, rather it implies, at a human
level, the depth and the degree to which we are asking these people to
examine and modify their beliefs. Respect for the other, from both sides
will lay a foundation for resolving these matters, at least at a micro
scale. More music please!

Mel Korn

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