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Re: AABACA (was Finale, Sibelius, etc.)

I have never heard the words intuitive and music notation in the same 
sentence. Music notation programs, the highend ones, are like using 
Pagemaker, Quark Express, and InDesign to write a letter. They are publishing 
programs. Finale Note Pad is great but it is missing two key features, cord 
symbols, and the ability to adjust which stave measures of music are in.

I offer a music copying/engraving service, currently using Finale. I can do 
everything from lead sheets, scores and parts, part recreation from a score, 
to the creation of reduced piano/conductor scores. You can contact me off 
list for rates and examples of my work. In many cases turnarounds of 24 to 48 
hours in available.

Matt Temkin

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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