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Re: AABACA (was Finale, Sibelius, etc.)

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On 17/01/2003 at 11:28 Mattflight (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

>I have never heard the words intuitive and music notation in the same 

With that I certainly would agree! Neither Sibelius nor Finale could be
described in those terms by any stretch of the imagination, and Sibelius in
particular has a pretty steep learning curve. (Although personally speaking
I found it worthwhile to persist with it, on account of the greater
flexibility and added features.)

>sentence. Music notation programs, the highend ones, are like using 
>Pagemaker, Quark Express, and InDesign to write a letter. They are

Essentially also correct, I dare say. But then, what is (esp. classical) a
composer to do? On the one hand, the alternatives are just not versatile
and flexible enough, and on the other, publishers won't even look at
anything else and demand that everything be virtually press-ready. 


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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