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Re: Jewish/Irish music

Thanks, Pete.
I did notice in my little searching that government has not left out Jewish 
So Jews playing in brothels in Dublin. Whoopee.  
...which suggests that Jewish musicians played in taverns n London and Dublin 
that were somewhat associated with prostitution. For example, a German-born 
Jew, Isaac Isaacs (d. 1791), played in taverns in Dublin and was under 
contract to play weekly for a  wealthy Dublin madam as she rode in her 
carriage to the races, etc. In a book on Covent Garden, there was a reference 
to at least one >Jewish-run whorehouse or tavern in the early 18th century.  
It's well known, of course, that there used to be a lot of music in brothels 

See you soon

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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