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Re: Jewish/Irish music

In a message dated 12/18/2 10:08:49 AM, AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com writes:

<< My interest has been peaked lately via a Celtic recording I received for 
Chanuka. One of the tracks has a tune that's like a jazzed up Hatikva 
beginning. Yes, I'm aware that this beginning isn't all that unique....
But I began looking into Irish/Jewish culture and finding that I can find 
that indeed there is a strong albeit small community - progressive orthodox 
in particular - but I cannot find any specific articles or references to the 
Any suggestions?

Though very small, there is quite an active Jewish community in Ireland and 
it has been very well accepted by non Jews. 

I was recently given a book, "Little Jerusalem" on the Jewish community of 
Ireland..very interesting. 
Approximately 3 weeks ago, The Jewish Journal in Los Angeles had an article 
on the Irish-Jewish community as well. It might still be on their web site 

Evidently a fair amount of Irish music "sounds klezmer"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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