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Re: Computer gibberish

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 03/12/2002 at 17:48 bart j mendelson wrote:

>> A solution to your problem would be to switch from
>> digest format to MIME digest format. The latter format
>> can cope with attachments.
>>  Groeten,
>>  Irwin Oppenheim
>Would it be not a better way to not send pictures etc. on this list?

Indeed! I must admit to getting more than a trifle irritated with the
(relatively) largish amount of binary attachments and html messages,
especially being on metered dial-up here.

>I'm new here, but know that other lists do not allow this.

Same here, and this one doesn't either according to the faq etc. Using
anything other than plain text, except privately between two consenting
individuals, is, IMO, at the very least inconsiderate. It is also a waste
of bandwidth.

Happy Chanukah


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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