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travel ?s

re RObert's travel questions:
in my experience, booking the tickets myself is much better (you do get
the flyer miles regardless of who actually books the tickets by the way
- it's the flyer who gets the miles, not the booker, unless they're the
same person) - anyway, to finish the sentence: because that way you
control your own itinerary, changes of plans, etc. But if it's a hassle
(not everyone has my long-suffering, endlessly patient travel agent)
then let them do it for you.

I've never had any problems with security scanning re tapes, cds, films
etc - they all sail through the scanners with no negative results, at
least till now.They usually want your cellphone on, to see that it
really is one , and a couple of airlines might point your camera at you
and take a picture for the same reason, but not usually. No security
guards in my experience have picked up any of my instruments and played
them, though...

have a great gig! Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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