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sinai festival


I am pleased to announce the official launch of the
Sinai Festival music division by inviting any Jewish
artists to enter themselves either in the emerging
artist competition or for regular festival
programming. This is an opportunity that we expect to
be unprecedented in recent Jewish history. The Sinai
festival will be a 5-day celebration of Jewish
cultural and spiritual life. I invite you all to look
at our website for more
about who we are and what we envision this to be. 
Our goals for musical programming aims to cover the
entire spectrum of Jewish music from klezmer and
chassidic to hip-hop and punk. We hope to bring a wide
Jewish experience to the anticipated tens of thousands
of people that will participate in the Sinai festival
from around the globe. 
For the competition we anticipate this to be one of
the biggest gathering of aspiring Jewish artists ever,
with winners in several categories going on to much
wider exposure on the newly formed Sinai Records. Any
further information can obtained by contacting me at
avi (at) sinaifestival(dot)com

Thank you
Avi Finegold
Musical director
Sinai Festival

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