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Re: Pedotser

Don't have Stuchevsky in front of me, but I'm quite sure it's not the same.  In 
the Beregovski Instrumental Music book there are 3 long Pedotser 
mini-concertos.  I've worked out one called "Tsum Tisch"-- performance runs 
about 7 minutes.  Look forward to meeting you at kamp-- I'll bring the book to 
show you.

Best regards, Pete

 Alex Jacobowitz <alexbjacobowitz (at) yahoo(dot)com> wrote:

B"H Florence

Hey there, Pete.

Hi. I just found a piece by Pedotser in the notes of
Stutchevsky. Was that the piece you were talking about
arranging for tsimbal? It doesn't look that
interesting, but I'm fascinated by the idea of a
concerto. What can you tell me about it? 

I look forward to meeting you a klezkamp next month.
Please bring whatever notes you think I might be able
to use.

Shalom, or ciao from Florence,


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