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Re: what is a Shlomo song?

For me it would also be L'maan Achai. There is a version of it on a cassette called RUACH.  I am not sure who the artist is...David something...He is a follower of Carlebach.

    Trudi the G

>From: "Richard Green"
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject: Re: what is a Shlomo song?
>Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 11:30:52 -0400

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You might also want to try Uvau Haovdim - a song about the ingathering of Jews into the land of Israel.  Definitely the thrust of Rabbi Carlebach's mission in life.  As I not only went to his concerts and lived at his Moshav Modiin but also played guitar with him on stage, I saw Shlomo as a warm, energetic, vibrant human being who was deeply involved with stemming the tide of assimilation and providing moral and spiritual support for the often beleagured Jewish people.

>From: merubin (at) attbi(dot)com
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject: what is a Shlomo song?
>Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 14:51:54 +0000
>Shalom chevre,
>I have been on this list for a short while, but I love
>the wonderful bits of information and sharing that get
>passed around! Thanks for creating such a nurturing
>This past week marked the eighth yahrtzeit of Reb Shlomo
>Carlebach. I am the music mensch at the Jewish Renewal
>congregation in Chicago (Makom Shalom) nowadays, but I
>can honestly say that it was listening to a tribute CD
>of his songs and niggunim that brought me full fold into
>the world of Jewish music.
>Some friends and I were talking about it last Shabbos.
>Is there any one song that you could say is
>representative as "a Shlomo song"? It's difficult, of
>course, because there are so many wonderful songs that
>crossed over boundaries to become popular across
>denominations. I never knew Reb Shlomo or saw him in
>concert during his life, but I do know that his music
>inspired me and continues to inspire me to this day.
>Does anyone else have thoughts on any one song as
>representative as "a Shlomo song"? For me, if I had to
>choose one, it would be "L'maan Achai/Brothers and
>Friends" followed very closely by "Return Again."
>Any thoughts?
>b'shalom v'chevrut,
>p.s. The name of that tribute CD is called "Echoes of
>Reb Shlomo." It's WONDERFUL and I highly recommend it.
>e-mail: merubin (at) attbi(dot)com
>tel: 847-840-1757
>"I believed in the healing power
> of words..." - Eugene Fitzpatrick
> "Until the End of the World"
> Shalom 'n' Namaste, y'all!

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