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what is a Shlomo song?

Shalom chevre,

I have been on this list for a short while, but I love 
the wonderful bits of information and sharing that get 
passed around! Thanks for creating such a nurturing 

This past week marked the eighth yahrtzeit of Reb Shlomo 
Carlebach. I am the music mensch at the Jewish Renewal 
congregation in Chicago (Makom Shalom) nowadays, but I 
can honestly say that it was listening to a tribute CD 
of his songs and niggunim that brought me full fold into 
the world of Jewish music.

Some friends and I were talking about it last Shabbos. 
Is there any one song that you could say is 
representative as "a Shlomo song"? It's difficult, of 
course, because there are so many wonderful songs that 
crossed over boundaries to become popular across 
denominations. I never knew Reb Shlomo or saw him in 
concert during his life, but I do know that his music 
inspired me and continues to inspire me to this day.

Does anyone else have thoughts on any one song as 
representative as "a Shlomo song"? For me, if I had to 
choose one, it would be "L'maan Achai/Brothers and 
Friends" followed very closely by "Return Again."

Any thoughts?

b'shalom v'chevrut,

p.s. The name of that tribute CD is called "Echoes of 
Reb Shlomo." It's WONDERFUL and I highly recommend it. 

MICHAEL E. RUBIN            
e-mail:   merubin (at) attbi(dot)com
tel:      847-840-1757
"I believed in the healing power
 of words..." - Eugene Fitzpatrick
      "Until the End of the World"

     Shalom 'n' Namaste, y'all!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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