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Yiddishkayt! ESN! Songs from the Kitchen

I've never felt so at home than in the "kitchen" of the Gindi Theatre at 
the University of Judaism, Los Angeles last night!  

Adrienne Cooper, Frank London and Lorin Sklamberg amazed us all with 
their multitasking as they sang, baked challah, made a beatnik style 
borscht, kvetched, cooked up some tzimmes, sang and ode to gefilte fish, 
made 3 different kinds of matzo brei, threw in a little Mickey Katz 
while at the same time still managed to play the piano, accordion and 
trumpet as they explained the joy of Jewish cooking and its significance 
to their faith, culture and traditions from their own childhoods and the 
generations that came before.  NOTHING BURNED!  ;)  In fact, just to 
prove how tight their performance really was, just as Mr. London was 
finishing up a before meal prayer, the timer for the challah sounded! 
 It could not have been more perfect.  Even better - after the 
performance, we all got to sample the dishes they made while we 
congregated with the artists.  What a wonderful time we had singing 
about food!  The performance was wonderful and I wish I were able to go 
back and see them do it all over again tonight, but my own sudden 
craving for matzo brei compels me to stay close to the kitchen and cook 
up a storm for my own family.  :)

I hope the trio will be touring this act around - It was really a 
spectacular feat!  Bravo to Lorin, Adrienne and Frank for pulling this 
off, and hope to see you again soon!  Thanks again also to Susan Lerner 
and everyone at Yiddishkayt L.A.  for bringing this event to Los Angeles.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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