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Re: Yiddishkayt! Joshua Waletzky, Jeff Warschauer, Deborah Strauss and local Valley talent!

At 05:55 PM 10/9/02 -0700, you wrote:
>Ms. Lerner, it was wonderful to meet you!  Please tell me there was a 
>recording made of the show, in particular "Dove of Peace!"  What a powerful 
>and exhilirating arrangement of a beautiful song!  What spectacular gifts were 
>given to those little children to be able to sing with such strength and 
>happiness! - Thank you Cindy Paley!  I've never experienced such a moving 
>performance as last night's New Yiddish Song!

Oy, ikh bin take an alte froy ven Jill hot mir geheyst "Ms. Lerner!" (Oh, I'm 
really an old lady when Jill calls me Ms. Lerner).  Khaverte, ikh heys "Shira."

Thanks for the enthusiastic review, Jill. It was so great to meet you Tuesday 

Josh, Deborah and Jeff really outdid themselves on Tuesday night.  It was an 
extraordinarily strong and moving performance.  And yes, the kids (who don't 
know Yiddish otherwise, by the way) were incredible!  Josh has real koyekh 
(courage) to share the stage with 8 -10 year olds!  And yes, Cindy Paley did an 
incredible job of preparing them in less than 2 weeks to sing out beautifully, 
clear and strong, and very, very joyous.  

Josh's marvelous lecture with musical examples, Laughter in Yiddish Song, drew 
capacity audiences of over 170 people both times it was performed - once in 
Yiddish and once in English!  Both times, they hung on his every word.  Truly a 
mikhaye (pleasure).

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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