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Re: OT Virus targeting Jewish addresses?

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002, janusz mark david czepiel,md wrote:

> Hi everybody!
> This Klez and Bugbear virus are a real pain despite having current anti-virus 
> software!
> OK you 'quarantine' them ,twice recently,then you have to disable system 
> restore in Windows XP,scan  all the files again then reboot,enable restore 
> again...what a time waster though!
> I'm using McAfee maybe Norton or some other anti-virus software automatically 
> catches them...any ideas please?
> best wishes,
> janusz
> janusz mark david Czepiel,MD

The best solution is not to use Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express for
email. Find another program that doesn't automatically allow the execution
of attachments. Or switch to an ISP that filters attachments.

A few simple lines in the Sendmail code (the program that sends the
mail for the ISPs) will prevent all malicious content from reaching the
end users.

-Jeremy Schiffer

Jeremy A. Schiffer
AcIS Security Administrator
Columbia University
AcIS Nextel *75

Please direct all computer security related queries to
security (at) columbia(dot)edu or the AcIS/AIS Help Desk at 212-854-1919.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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