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Addendum Re: Beregovski

Susan etc.
Thanks for the clarification...yes I am referring to the 
Slobin etal "Klezmer-like" collection, in my query for 
editing help. I agree whole heartedly that the diverse 
range of Jewish music is valuable... the current band I am 
working with 'though happens to feel itself a Klezmer 
group. I HAVE coaxed them into adding a little of the 
"Israeli" folk and wedding standards 1. because they are 
beautiful and 2. because folks at weddings and Bar/Bat 
Mitzvahs know 'em, love 'em and dance to them!
cer7q (at) virginia(dot)edu

On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 12:30:27 -0700 Susan Lerner 
<meydele (at) ix(dot)netcom(dot)com> wrote:
> There are 2 volumes of Beregovski collections which have been published in 
> the US. 
>There is a second volume which was recently published, 
Jewish Instrumental Folk Music: The Collections and 
Writings of Moshe Beregovski, editted by Mark Slobin, 
Robert A. Rothstein, Michael Alpert, and Izaly Zemtsovsky.  
I assume that is the volume that the initial inquiry 
referred to, as it includes a CD. It is that volume that 
can more appropriately be called "klezmer."  The nature of 
the Beregovski collection was the topic of a lecture by 
Mark Slobin, Michael Alpert and Jim Loeffler at the 
Eldridge Street Shul last month.  Anyone attend?

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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