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Re: Yiddish Czardas sheet music

I have the Kamen Folio 1 with the 3 Czardas that were mentioned to you on 
list.  I have it for B-flat (cornet), E-flat and Piano.

I also have the Kamen Folio 9 with the 2 Hungarian Czardas mentioned as well 
- but only for B-flat (cornet).  I would assume that my father has more 
parts for these books.

My daughter is going to Toronto on Monday and could possibly get some more 
music from my father if you want to use them. The music is old and well worn 
(well used) - and some of the parts are brittle, but if you contact me off 
list, we can make some arrangement. I'd be happy to lend them to you for 
your festival if you don't have any others.

Contact me off list or phone me at home:  780-458-5515

Karen Gall
klg8 (at) hotmail(dot)com

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