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Re: College level Jewish Music course

At 12:28 PM 5/17/02, you wrote:
>Jewish Musical Traditions by Amnon Shiloah, a paperback published by Wayne 
>State University Press, which has some helpful material but is rather 
>idiosyncratic in its treatment of the subject, I think.

"Idiosyncratic" is too kind a description of this book.  It reads like the 
first draft of a poor PhD thesis, and should be used, if at all, with caution.

Not a history, but a much-overlooked excellent Jewish Music survey book is
"HERITAGE OF MUSIC: The Music of the Jewish People" by Judith Kaplan 
Eisenstein, first published in 1972.

Its tone is excellent for an advanced high school class on the subject, but 
it can also serve as a core resource book for a college course.  It has 28 
short chapters and includes 129 musical examples, most with simplified 
You can see the complete contents at

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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