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Re: College level Jewish Music course

While I am far from an expert on the subject, I don't know that you will find a 
book which satisfies your criteria.  You might want to take a look at Jewish 
Musical Traditions by Amnon Shiloah, a paperback published by Wayne State 
University Press, which has some helpful material but is rather idiosyncratic 
in its treatment of the subject, I think.  

More of a survey, and a book which reflects more of her concerns as a librarian 
and bibliographer, but still useful (and perhaps especially for a general 
college audience) is Irene Heskes' (o'l v.) Passport to Jewish Music, published 
in paper by Tara.

You will probably want to use portions of both, and perhaps some material from 
Ruth Rubin's The Voices of A People and Henry Sapoznik's Klezmer! Jewish Music 
from the Old World to Our World.

Does S.Conn.SU have a service that allows you to get the necessary permissions 
to put together a syllabus?  I think that's probably the way you'll want to go.

Shira Lerner
Yiddishkayt LA

At 09:42 AM 5/17/02 -0400, you wrote:
>A textbook or series of books that you feel adequately addresses the
>subject for this particular level of students.  

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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