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Re: Yiddish Sony Legacy CDs

Have listened to two of the three so far, and they are fantastic. You have
done a wonderful job on this. Congratulations. And THANKS. I was so
impressed with the sound quality. Amazing what you found. Loved your liner
notes. Just great. great.

Sapoznik (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks to all the folks on the list who've written me about the new Sony set
> of Yiddish music.  I really appreciate your kind words. Sony has just let me
> know that they've set up a toll free number for ordering the CDs which is 1
> 800 960 0044 or you can get it directly off their website
> Again, thanks for your support and do enjoy the discs.
> Henry Sapoznik

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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