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RE: Yiddish Sony Legacy CDs

That was it for the Tarras/Musiker sessions, only enough for one LP was 
recorded and released. Was actually shocked to find that, like a jazz 
recording session,  there were unissued alternate takes which I included on 
the CD. 
However, there are hundreds of metal parts for Columbia Jewish sessions c. 
1916-1942 which are just waiting to be re-released if this set does 
reasonably well in the stores.

Henry Sapoznik
Yiddish Music Series
Sony Legacy Recordings 

<< Just listened to the Tarras/Musiker Tanz! CD. The sound is wonderful and
the music is joyous. If there are any more surviving recordings of this
vintage by any of these players, I hope SONY can be convinced to
continue to remaster these wonders.

Jeff Kirschenbaum

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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