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Re: Yiddish men's love songs - Yale talk

Hi. I'm relatively new to this list, and I've been enjoying the
conversations very much.

I was wondering: Does anyone know of any exclusively instrumental
recordings of Chazanus melodies -- or just instrumental nusachs -- or in
particular, those tunes and nusachs associated with the High Holidays,
played on instruments only?


On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, itzik gottesman wrote:

> Recordings I can think of: on Ruth Rubins fieldrecordings LP "the old
> country" , the song "Ikh lig unter grattes". On Abe Brumberg's LP
> "theives, ....." etc, the songs "ikh vel shoyn mer nit ganvenen" and
> "Varshever kadetn" (i'm not sure of that title but it follows the
> previous song). I think we had a discussion on this list about Shmuel
> Lehman's volume "Ganovim lider" - thieves songs. you'll find them
> there. Wasn't a press in Germany going to republish it? - Itzik
> Gottesman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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