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Re: yinglish

If you want turn of the century, the older stuff, check out the songs
of Isaac  Reingold. The ones that have been recorded are "shmilik
gavrilik",(ben bonus and others) [I think the original title was
shmilik azrilik] "A nor yokh mayn khasene" (Kapelye, Lifshe
Schaechter-Widman). He wrote many songs using contemporary (1890s)
american tunes and writing Yiddish songs to them, often with yinglish
words . A book of his songs came out in the early 1950s by his
children and included a number of tunes but by no means all that he
wrote.  Also check out the volume "yidishe bine" (no date but1890s or
early 1900s) the second volume, with lots of songs in this genre but
alas no music, edited by Yehude Katsenelbogen. Very important work.
There was a magazine that came out in NY in the 1890s and early 1900s
with the lyrics to these songs. I am forgetting the name of the
journal but wow, what great stuff . I read some issues in the music
collection at Gratz College in Philadelphia. I am sure YIVO has them.

?ÝItzik Gottesman 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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