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Re: yiddish language decline?

Yiddish Language declining??....maybe so, yet our Yiddish Music sales are 
still the strongest part of our business. True, we are more selective in what 
we stock, but I attribute that to the aftermath of Sept 11, and a general 
decline in (non-Jewish) music sales. Many of the CD samples we now receive 
are from former 'klezmer' bands that perform Yiddish musicians in the 
'Klezmer style'. Most of our Yiddish Cds are imports where the repertoir is 
different then what most Ameican artist perform.

The Ladino category is second to Yiddish at Hatikvah, however, the consumers 
for Ladino are still primarily Ashkenazi though I do see a pick up in 
Sephardic customers getting back to their roots. Interestingly a large part 
of the Sephardic buyers are Crypto-Jews.

Yiddish to the finnish!!!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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