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Vashon, WA - Bukharan cantors concert, today (March 3), 1 pm


Tonight some of us in Seattle had the electrifying experience of hearing
brothers and cantors Izro and Manachem Malakov, originally from Uzbekistan,
sing as part of a concert billed as "Lift Every Voice: Celebrating Cultures
Through Song" and featuring various Jewish and African-American performers.

Martin Koenig brought them here to the outer reaches of civilization from
their Forest Hills (NY) home. I just found out from Marty that the Malakov
brothers are performing their own concert today (Sunday) at 1 p.m., at Ober
Park on Vashon Island (sourthwest of Seattle).

This is from a press release about the concert that took place tonight:

"Izro Malakov is a spectacular vocalist singing both secular Uzbek folk and
classical (maqam) music, and Jewish folk and liturgical music.   Manachem
Malakov is a wonderful singer, a repository of a unique repertory of sabbath
songs.  They are both cantors in New York and have been singing together
since they were
Izro and Manachem Malakov perform a distinctive cantorial style that
originates with the Jews of Central Asia. Izro Malakov, born in
Shakhrizabaz, Uzbekistan, learned maqam (a classical song form with
Persian and Afghan influences) from his mother, through the oral
tradition. He bested 80 musicians and singers for a coveted place in the
Tashkent Radio Ensemble and has performed with the orchestra more than
14 years. In addition, Izro Malakov performs with Ensemble Shashmaqam
and the Ilyas Malayev Ensemble. Izro and Manachem Malakov, chazzans
(cantors) who now live in Queens, N.Y., will perform Bukharan-Jewish
liturgical songs and examples of maqam."

- Sandra

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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