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upcoming Rounder release of Jewish music from around the world

I'm forwarding the below because of this mention:

<<a double album of Jewish music from around the world, scheduled for
mid-summer release by Rounder and still untitled.>>

Does anyone on this list know about this upcoming CD release?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Charlie Gillett" <cgillett (at) oval(dot)demon(dot)co(dot)uk>
To: "Peter Kernast" <globe-l (at) nevada(dot)edu>
Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 12:47 PM
Subject: 2002 March 2 - Dan Rosenberg

> The word 'Diaspora' came up a lot tonight, so I looked it up - originally
> referred to the dispersal of Jews from Palestine after invasions by the
> Romans and Babylonians, and later to Christians driven from Palestine.  In
> tonight's show we heard music from several Diasporas  - Africans and
> Europeans in the Americas, Gypsies who travelled from India to Europe, and
> Sephardic Jews exiled from Spain by the Catholics.  Whether enforced or
> willingly taken, these journeys result in some of the most powerful music
> ever made, and the origins are still apparent even when it become a
> mixed with other forms.
> Dan Rosenberg is a journalist and broadcaster, but these days spends most
> his time compiling albums.  And where too many compilations are done in a
> couple of days by people who aren't paid enough to spend more time on
> Dan makes trips to the regions in question, interviews musicians and
> producers and sometimes instigates original recordings.  He was actively
> involved in the Paranda Music project produced by Ivan Duran of Stonetree
> Records which was released worldwide by Detour, an affiliate of Warner
> France.  And Dan compiled the essential double album for Network of
> Musica Negra in the Americas.  The album's fine version of Down in
> Mississippi by the Jackson Family was specially commissioned when Pops
> Staples' version of the song turned out to be too expensive to licence. As
> well as playing a track from the recently-released Rough Guide to the
> of Central America, we previewed two other forthcoming Rough Guides -
> Louisiana and Afro-Peru - and heard a taster from a double album of Jewish
> music from around the world, scheduled for mid-summer release by Rounder
> still untitled.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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