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from Sylvie Braitman

Hi! Everybody,
Check this out and forward to friends! I am artistic director for this.
Sylvie Braitman

Wednesday March 13, 8:00PM

Healing in Hessen
Jewish Music Returns to a German Town

German virtuoso violinist Matthias Erbe performs works by Bloch, Bruch, 
Joachim, Zimbalist, Ravel and Schullhof to benefit the renovation of a 
synagogue in Voehl, a village in the state of Hessen, Germany. Purchased by the 
non Jewish community there, the space will be used as a Jewish museum and 
cultural center. Featuring German Jewish liturgical music sung by Cantor 
Stephen Saxon of the SF Klezmer Experience.
Pre concert talk with Carol Baird (genealogist, whose grandparents were married 
in the Voehl synagogue) at 7:00PM 

Sponsored by Ursula Sherman and Edith S. Coliver.

In association with the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, the Goethe 
Institute Inter Nationes and the German American Chamber of Commerce.

Hellman hall, San Francisco Conservatory of Music, 1201 Ortega St., San 
Reserved seating $20. (Special prices for students and Conservatory members)

How to order tickets:
by internet:
by fax: 925 866 9597
by phone 925 866 9559

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