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RE: Beethoven's "Jewish theme"

Again, it's the opening bars of the sixth movement of the Quartet (not of 
the Quartet itself)--though it should be noted that it has seven movements 
played without interruption.

--Robert Cohen

>Quoting Idelsohn:

>"There is hardly any other traditional Jewish tune that attracted so musch 
>attention from the composers of the last century. Innumerable are the 
>arrangements for voice with piano, organ or violin accompaniment and 
>violoncello obligato. In the first bars of *B e e t h o v e n ' s* C# minor 
>quartet, the opening theme of Kol Nidrei is recognizable. Thus has the 
>music world come to consider this the most characteristic tune of the 
>The Kol Nidrei Tune, in: HUC Annual, Vol VIII-IX, 1931/2, p.493

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