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Re: Bruch's Kol Nidre before ... Kol Nidre

>Would it be prohibited in an Orthodox synagouge to have Kol Nidre >played 
>before the start of the Kol Nidre service?

I'm certainly not the one to give an authoritative answer; but it's probably 
relevant to adduce the example of Prague, where what Alfred Sendrey calls 
"an orchestral society" "played in the synagogue before the beginning of the 
Friday Eve service.  A contemporary record reads:  'With the help of these 
instruments they sing not only 'Lekah Dodi,' but after they finish that poem 
they continue to sing several sweet tunes for about an hour's time'--which, 
Sendrey notes, "may have amounted to a veritable sacred concert for the 
welcoming of the Sabbath Queen."

I'm almost certain this was an *Orthodox* synagogue--which is almost the 
point.  (I believe I have another, I think more detailed reference, but 
can't put my hands on.)  They concertized, in other words, with instruments, 
right up until Shabbat.  This proceeded, I believe, not without controversy, 
but its legitimacy was upheld, at least by some Orthodox arbiters (or one).

Of course, Erev Yom Kippur might impose additional constraints.

--Robert Cohen

P.S.  Could my subject head be rendered "Before we daven, let us sing a few 
words ..."?

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