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RE: Beethoven's "Jewish theme"

On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Robert Cohen wrote:

>>Beethoven quotes a Jewish theme in one of his string quartets. I believe
>>it is the sixth movement (Adagio quasi un poco andante) of opus 131.

Quoting Idelsohn:

"There is hardly any other traditional Jewish tune that attracted so musch
attention from the composers of the last century. Innumerable are the
arrangements for voice with piano, organ or violin accompaniment and
violoncello obligato. We have the exalted melody prepared for choir and
small orchestra. And last but not least is the concerto by Max Bruch. In
the first bars of *B e e t h o v e n ' s* C# minor quartet, the opening
theme of Kol Nidrei is recognizable. Thus has the music world come to
consider this the most characteristic tune of the synagogue."

The Kol Nidrei Tune, in: HUC Annual, Vol VIII-IX, 1931/2, p.493


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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