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Re: What are the best research websites?


Do you know if there are there any plans to complete this volume II?


"Robert A. Rothstein" wrote:

> Matt Temkin wrote:
> >     The large, 8.5 by 11 inch volume. The smaller but thicker volume is Old
> > Jewish Folk Music, original released in English in 1982 by the University of
> > Pennsylvania Press, now reprinted by Syracuse (new edition ISBN
> > 0-8156-2868-4), and this time around is only in paper back. This new volume
> > is entitled Jewish Instrumental Folk Music and is available in both cloth
> > (ISBN 0-8156-3890-0) and paperback (0-8156-0691-5).
> >     Old Jewish Folk music has the first two sections of a planed five volume
> > work; Jewish Folk Music (1934), and Jewish Folk Song (1962). Jewish
> > Instrumental Folk Music is only what would have been the third volume. This
> > volume was never before published in full, an abridged section of this work
> > was published in the Soviet Union in 1987. It supersedes the klezmer 
> > material
> > in the earlier volume.
>             Actually the 1962 Soviet publication, reprinted by Mark Slobin in
> his1982
>     book, which is available again now from Syracuse, was not the second 
> volume
>     of the five that Beregovski had planned.  It represented a selection of
> songs, _nigunim_
>     and instrumental pieces.  The planned second volume, as we write in the
> editors' note
>     to _Jewish Instrumental Folk Music_, "apparently exists only in an 
> unfinished
> set
>     of proofs held at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research in New York.  It
> consists of
>     the introduction and the song texts, but the music itself had not yet been
> stripped in for
>     final publication."  Dated 1938, volume two "contains the Yiddish 
> folksongs
> left out of
>     the published volume 1 of 1934" (xviii).
>                 Bob Rothstein

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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