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Re: "Jewish" Violin Music

At 04:10 PM 8/10/01, Robert Cohen wrote:
>Please clarify how I can click on data about the recording involved,
>including title/label/contents.

i.e. Biddulph recording of Hagai Shaham playing music by Joseph Achron

how to access data (including track 
>contents) of the ASV Quicksilver CD HEBREW MELODY that another poster 
>advised about.

i.e. album of Miriam Kramer playing music by Joseph Achron

You can find both of these at, including contents by searching
on the keywords "Joseph Achron". You can do a similar thing at the Tara
Music website, but I had a little trouble accessing it just now, so I can't
verify whether they carry those particular albums or not. Personally, I
prefer Hagai Shaham's recording over Miriam Kramer's.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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