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Re: "Jewish" Violin Music

In a message dated 8/8/01 10:32:14 AM, combrink (at) herzlia(dot)com writes:

I am looking for music for a violinist who wants to play Jewish Music at
various concerts and functions. He has played Bloch's "Baal Shem", to
acclaim, and would like to explore more music in this vein.

Any suggestions for violinists other than the complete works of Bloch?  >>

I'm not a violinist but am working on a program right now with a violinist 
for a classical evening before our Slichot service. We're also doing (in 
addition to Bloch...) a Copeland Nocturn (haven't seen it yet...) and 
possibly a Fritz Kreisler work. (We're also doing trio sonatas of Rossi and 
some solo works with cello so I don't have to have an entire program with 
just violin. Plus I'll play flute to expand our program. But I'm also looking 
for more ideas...)
Incidentally, does anyone out there think that there is any question about 
Kreisler's Jewish identity? Not remembering why I'm remembering this...

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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