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RE: Nerdy question: Yiddish songbooks

Just joined the list today, so looking forward to learning lots.

I and British and currently live in Israel. I sing bass (although it's more
lyrical and less profundo!) and I am interested in being a chazan over the
High Holidays in an orthodox synagogue/minyan in the United States. I have
sung in several choirs in the UK and here in Israel (Jerusalem Great
Synagogue Choir, for example) and know the nussach for Rosh HaShana and Yom
Kippur inside out!

Are there formal lists of open positions or does anyone know of any
congregation that is looking for a chazzan for this year?


Daniel Epstein

Daniel Epstein
R U D E R  F I N N  Israel
57 Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv 65785 ISRAEL
Tel: +972-3-525-6188
Fax: +972-3-525-6136
Mobile: +972-54-67 69 61
USA: (212) 593 5886
Email: daniel (at) ruderfinn(dot)co(dot)il

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