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Re: Eyn Keyloheynu

I listened to the sound file and indeed that?s a tune we sing at our 
synagogue - conservative - as often as the ?original? and I have always 
preferred it. I usually don?t like the ?Germanic? tunes, ones with so many 
secondary dominants, etc. in them, but for some reason I tolerate this tune 
that Joe is singing. Perhaps because of the short phrasing or the simpler 
phrasing in general. 
Ver veyst?...
(My website is currently undergoing some major work, mostly trying to get 
sound into it. I?m working with a person in Ohio, my domain host and 
webmaster, and she can?t get the sound files to work. How the heck did you do 
that so easily, just singing into the computer and bingo it?s there? Maybe 
answer off list if I?m the only ignorant one here - along with my presumed 
professional who also can?t figure it out. Argh.)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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