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I have a big question for all of you.  In perusing Ari's invaluable
Klezmer Shack pages I noticed there was no page for venues.  There
should be.  Let's put all our resources together and create a network
for all of us looking for work.  Think of all the places you've played
and send the name, address, phone #, email, contact person, type of
music booked, $ range, anything you can think of that might be valuable,
and post it here.  Ari has told me he will collect the information and
create a new page for us.  Shuls, Hillels, JCCs, Senior Homes, Colleges,
High Schools, International festivals, Holocaust Events, Arts Festivals
are all ideas.  How about booking agents that deal with Jewish music?

I'll start the ball rolling with:

The Cleveland Workmen's Circle
1980 South Green Road
Cleveland OH 44121
Yiddish Music
You may contact me for this one.

Mandel JCC
South Woodland Road
Beachwood? OH

Hope to see you all respond,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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