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Re: YBD: help find a cure and stamp it out in your lifetime!!!!!

In a message dated 4/30/1 11:29:45 AM, Elkahn (at) JTSA(dot)EDU writes:

I believe it is this type of knee-jerk reaction that many of the men on this 
list are objecting to.  If we are going to DISCUSS something, then let's 
discuss it. But I can almost guarantee that bringing in the slings and arrows 
of outrageous sexual politics will only muddy--and slime--the waters.
Eliott Kahn >>

In every Jewish neighborhood the always seems to be a "Jewish 
Style"(non-kosher) restaurant. More often than not, the majority of the 
patrons will be Jewish. It is safe to say that there would be no patrons 
there that are strict adherents to dietary laws.  Does that mean that the 
purpose of the restaurant is to discriminate against those who do keep 
Kosher??  No.  
Those who observe dietary laws know that if they want to eat there, the food 
will not be kosher. Just as one who goes to a lobster house should not expect 
a kosher menu.
One goes where one is comfortable and the food satisfies the hunger.  

Let's Eat!


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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