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Fwd: Yiddish Fiddler

Can anyone help this person?

>From: gerald siegel <siegel (at) tc(dot)umn(dot)edu>
>I am part of a local Yiddish Vinkel group that meets monthly to promote
>and enjoy Yiddish.  We would like to find the words to several of the
>songs from Fiddler on the Roof, in Yiddish (or transliteration).  I've
>tried several sources, with no luck, including YIVO.  I have a Yiddish
>language recording of the play, but the words did not accompany it and
>we are not fluent enough to figure out the words from listening.
>Anyone know where we might find the words?
>Thanks much,
>Jerry Siegel
>Minneapolis, Minnesota

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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