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RE: Fwd: Yiddish Fiddler

I think Sholom Aleichem wrote some Yiddish stories based on Fiddler, or 
something like that.
All seriousness aside, there is no small irony in searching for a 
version of a take-off translated into the language of the original.  
Ahhh...  The feel of genuine faux leatherette!

I actually have a cassette dub of that Yiddish Fiddler recording, with 
no information.  Since it was an Israeli stage production, perhaps 
tapping into Israeli sources might be fruitful.  Try this:

Yosef Zucker, General Manager
P.O.B. 1126
Kfar Sava  44110 Israel
Tel. 972-9-767-9869
Fax. 972-9-766-2855
e-mail: ortav (at) barak-online(dot)net <mailto:ortav (at) barak-online(dot)net>

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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