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RE: Fwd: Yiddish Fiddler

In a message dated 4/25/1 8:03:03 PM, samweiss (at) bellatlantic(dot)net writes:

I actually have a cassette dub of that Yiddish Fiddler recording, with 
no information.  Since it was an Israeli stage production, perhaps 
tapping into Israeli sources might be fruitful.  Try this:
 OK Sam, here I go again!

Don't I do enough BLATANT self promotion that you should know by now that 
Hatikvah Music has got just about everything you can think of in Yiddish (OK, 
so I'm stretching a bit). The Yiddish version of the Israeli stage play of 
"Fiddler" is available as part of a 2 CD set. The 2nd CD in the set is the 
Yiddish (Israeli) cast album of "The Megila of Itzik Manger" starring the 
Burstein Family...also an excellent recording. You can view this set on our 
site at:

Sam, I hope you can remember that.....don't make me come over there!
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

PS. I sure wish I could come up with one of those clever little quotations 
that every body seams to "love" so much.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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