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meanwhile, back at Ellis Island . . . (was robert, nfld, mail]

Funny story actually. First, you have to know that my family actually
goes back pretty far in the US for a bunch of Jews from Germany and
Russia. All four of my grandparents were born in Manhattan, which amuses
my wife (whose bubbes and zaydes were born in Russia and didn't come
here until they were at least school age) no end.

For years and years my father would tell me that the Robinson came from
the English branch of the family -- and in fact I do have English
cousins, but their name is Green and like a complete schmuck I never
questioned this little discrepancy. Then one night my wife (then of only
a few months) and my father are shmoozing in my parents house and she
asks, "Robinson, what kind of Jewish name is that?" and he replies,
"Well we think it was Rabinowitz and they changed it at Ellis Island."
I'm in the doorway when I hear this and I yell at him, "What happened to
the English branch of the family?" He replies, "What are you talking
about? Their name is Green."

As for George, that's for my great grandfather who was also named
George. I don't know who the Richard is for, but taken as a trio, it
gets me some odd looks at Jewish publications where they don't know me.
I could be worse, it could have a hyphen.

I have to admit that I don't know where the Jewish music is in all this
(although my father's brother sang professionally as a teenager).

George (Gets odd looks even where they DO know him) Robinson

Lori Cahan-Simon wrote:
> >
> >
> > George Richard Robinson (Now THERE'S a really authentic Jewish name!)
> Yeah, how did that happen?

George Robinson
Author, Essential Judaism
Please visit my website, "Essential Judaism and Beyond"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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