Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Re: robert, nfld, mail

Hey, my shul has a Brennan, a McDowell and a Flanagan. In the past we've
had a Vitale and a Curry. Come to that, our student rabbi's name is
Malino (yeah, it's Sephardic but it could also be just plain Italian,

George Richard Robinson (Now THERE'S a really authentic Jewish name!)

Judith R Cohen wrote:
> Hi, for RObert Cohen, I replied off-list but instead of you not being
> able to send messages to my mail address as you said, it came through
> fine but I couldn't send to yours! The synagogue in question, with the
> tiny minyan of Ashkenazim and one Moroccan, and the COhens and McGraths,
> and mixed liturgy [music-related part of message], and teen-aged
> daughter etcetc, is in St John's, Newfoundland (Nfld). The
> discombolulating alignment of surnames with religious affiliations is
> the result of conversions. Cheers, Judith

George Robinson
Author, Essential Judaism
Please visit my website, "Essential Judaism and Beyond"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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