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RE: Healing

Not true, not true.  They have always complained in many different kinds of 
ways all the time.  But they know that they have been made powerless from 
almost every perspective.  In order to get power, they have to learn to 
manipulate their individual husband or fathers to give them emotional power 
and efficacy in their designated arena of love, home, and acquisitions, 
e.g., beautiful dresses, jewelry, houses, looking good, doors opening for 
them, treated like special ladies, etc.  In other words, they were bought 
off and distracted into constantly worrying about how they look.

My husband is lucky, in that I never wanted diamonds, jewelry, or special 
dresses.  Just a beautiful house.

OK, now going to look for a new monitor and kol isha is very much an 
appropriate topic for this mailing list.

Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky

From:  Katie Marcus [SMTP:kmarcus (at) jccdet(dot)org]
Sent:  Wednesday, February 21, 2001 2:27 PM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant
Subject:  RE: Healing

Shirona wrote:

>There are only TWO sexes in this world,  to the best of my knowledge.  Is
it >OK that one sex has the power to make all the rules that bind both
sexes, >and that the other sex has no say in that process.  For me it is
that simple, >and the answer is either yes or no. If this is not the core
issue - then what >is?

Shirona, respectfully, Kol Isha- or any other piece of minhag/halacha for
that matter- did not evolve without the say so of women.  It's impossible
that men made this decision without the consultation of women!  Women are
the majority of the population, a minority can't oppress a majority without 
the compliance of the majority.
        How do you explain that many of the proponents of this custom are 
men?  If this was really something all women hated, these men observing the 
prohibition of Kol Isha, wouldn't be allowed back home and in bed each
-----Original Message-----
From:   shirona [SMTP:shirona (at) bellatlantic(dot)net]
Sent:   Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:26 AM
To:     World music from a Jewish slant
Subject:        Healing

As the debate rages on - concerning the Kol Isha Ervah issue, I'm still
surprised, and disappointed, that so few people  focus on the fundamental
premise of the problem.  In medicine, and in psychology, it is common
knowledge that for true healing to take place - one needs to get to the
CORE of the problem. In order to cure Cancer - we need to kill every cancer 
cell in the body, because if we don't - it will develop all over again.  In 
healing relationships we try our best to get to the bottom line of what is
causing the problem - because if we don't - the same problem will erupt
again, just like the cancer.

Can we all agree that we have a serious problem here?  Can we all agree
that we need  healing?

We need to get to the root of this "pathology".  Why are we wasting so much 
time and energy on  minutiae? How much longer can this dialogue continue
poking around the surface?   It's like trying to heal Cancer with
band-aids.  If we don't understand why this problem is so tough to resolve, 
- we will never heal.  It will never just "go away".

I asked this question before - but no one answered me yet. (except for a
"diss" from Eric...)

There are only TWO sexes in this world,  to the best of my knowledge.  Is
it OK that one sex has the power to make all the rules that bind both
sexes, and that the other sex has no say in that process.  For me it is
that simple, and the answer is either yes or no. If this is not the core
issue - then what is?

Adrian, I hope you don't find this posting too "off-topic".  I'm actually
trying to hasten a "conclusion"!

With much respect and anticipation for the full spectrum of opinions out


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* * *  Singer / Songwriter and Teacher of Jewish Music * * *

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