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A Woman's Place (Kol Isha)

This topic really hit a nerve...  and I suspect that when there is SO much 
"energy" surrounding a topic - it means that it's an "Idea Who's Time Has 
Come".  Without a doubt - there is a deeper underlying problem that needs to be 
examined here.

  The way I see it  - * * * Total Equality between Men and Women * * *  
Jewishly,  every way,  everywhere.


 No amount of scholarly arguments, 2000 years of Halachic whatever, or any 
opinion that was formulated and codified into "law" by MEN ALONE - will change 
that for me. This is my bottom line, I hope other women feel the same.

If for thousands of years laws were defined by MEN ONLY - then I maintain the 
right to challenge these laws, on that basis alone.   Much like "No taxation 
without representation".  Don't you men realize that we had NO SAY in these 
laws?  If BOTH men and women agreed that people should be separated during 
prayer, for example - ( perhaps that IS a good idea, BTW )  we would find a way 
to accomplish that in a fair, equitable way. Etc...    Then my attitude towards 
laws like "Kol Isha" would be different, knowing that women participated in the 
creation of the Law. And if that were the case, guys, our Halachic  laws would 
be quite different.  Ask any "Aguna" out there...

 The sad truth is that men held all the power, and acted accordingly.  Plain 
and simple. You don't have to be a Talmudic scholar to know that. It's no 
surprise that they made sure to get the *much better deal*  for themselves.  I 
also see, just from reading everything on the lists concerning this topic  - 
that men are in no hurry to give up their superior position, their "power".  
Why should they???  Women had to fight  SO HARD  for what we now take for 
granted - like the right to vote!  Let's face it - men will not "give it away" 
without a fight.   That's what it comes down to, in this Darwinian world of 

There were some wonderful comments from guys on the lists - (without naming 
names - you know who you are!)  who revealed some truths on this matter.   
"Deeply held personal truths".  A conscience.  Free thinking. Refreshing 
Honesty!!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!  For me that takes so much more 
courage - than hiding behind piles and piles of "scholarly" notes, footnotes, 
quoting other people...  Flaunting your knowledge - as if to say "my knowledge 
is bigger than yours".  Guys do that sort of thing.  What I want to know is - 
what do you really think???  What does your personal conscience have to say 
about these issues?

Truth is simple.  The more profound it is - the simpler it is. 

Men. Women. Equal.   That is a "Woman's Place".

All I can say right now is that I'm grateful to be living in a time and place 
where we can even HAVE  these discussions. This is an idea who's time has come 
in Jewish life... the time is now, and the place is here.  Sorry for being 
corny - but - G-d bless America!


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* * *  Singer / Songwriter and Teacher of Jewish Music * * * 

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